
Returns – A RequestResponse containing a User Object in the Users array. (See RequestResponse in Appendix B)


Name Type Description
encryptedToken string Required. Encrypted Token returned from client
authentication. Returns null if token has expired or
is invalid.
signerList Array of Signer Objects Required. A list of Signers.
signingsessionId string Required. The id of the signing session.
returnURL string Required. Your Host URL.


Example – C#
[gdlr_notification icon=”none” type=”color-border” border=”#31BEF9″ color=”#000000″]ServiceAPIClient ws = new ServiceAPIClient();

RequestResponse requestResponse;

List<Signer> signerList =  new List<Signer>();

Signer signer = new Signer();

signer.SignerId = “signerId”;
signer.Sequence = 0;
signer.FirstName = “firstname”;
signer.LastName = “lastname”;
signer.EmailAddress = “email address”;
signer.StateCode = 0;
signer.StatusCode = 1;

requestResponse= ws.SendSignerEmailInvites(encryptedToken, signerList, signingsessionId, returnURL);
