
Starts a signing session that was created previously by providing a signing session ID.

Notes about Start Session call when dealing with Anchor Tags:

  • Start session checks the status of the session to see if everything (signers, tags etc…) are ready to start the session, and it will correctly return validation errors if it runs into any issues.
  • There could be a timing issue between calling Create Session and Start Session, so if you get this error you might want to attempt calling Start Session in a couple of seconds again or schedule the Start Session to run after a couple of seconds from calling Create Session. But, if the validation errors persist, then this is a permanent issue that you need to review as instructed by the validation message(s).

Returns – A RequestResponse Contains information on the started session.  (See RequestResponse in Appendix B)


Name Type Description
encryptedToken string Required. Encrypted Token returned from client authentication.
Returns null if token has expired or is invalid.
signingSessionId string Required. The ID of the signing session to start.
returnUrl string Optional. Your Host URL

Example – C#
ServiceAPIClient ws = new ServiceAPIClient();

var ssId = Guid.New(); // The ID of the signing session you want to start.

var retUrl = “<Your host URL>”;

var response = ws.StartSession(encryptedToken, ssId, retUrl);