
Starts a new signing session by sending a list of documents and signers to be used in the creation of a signing session. You can assign a template using the document.FormId, assign signer roles for each signer and specify signer authentication such as Knowledge Base Authentication (KBA).  See Appendix B for a list of predefined signer roles available.

URI POST rest/v1/sessions

Returns – A SessionResponse containing a Signing Session Id and an array of Session Object(s).  (See SessionResponse in Appendix B)


Name Type Description
encryptedToken string Required. Encrypted Token returned from client authentication.
Returns null if token has expired or is invalid.
username string Required. Username (email address) of the user who’s starting the signing session.
session Session Required. See Session class in Appendix B

Example – C#
[gdlr_notification icon=”none” type=”color-border” border=”#31BEF9″ color=”#000000″]
string uri = “rest/v1/sessions”;
string signsessionId = string.Empty;
string url = string.Empty;
string autologinUrl = landingURL + “token={0}&user={1}&ssid={2}&page={3}”;
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
List<Document> documents = new List<Document>();
SessionResponse sessionResponse;

Session sessionConfig = new Session();
sessionConfig.SessionInfo = new SessionInfo();

sessionConfig.SessionInfo.TransactionId = “New Session”;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.Title = “New Session”;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.UseSequence = 0;  //0 is non-sequential, 1 is sequential, 2 disables invites.
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.AllowDelegation = true;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.CopyTo = “,”;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.Password = “password”;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.FirstSigner = true;
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.EmailOptions = 3;

sessionConfig.SessionInfo.SendSignerInvites = false; // Set this parameter if you want invites to be sent or not when the session is started.

// Use this if you want your users to be redirected in eSign 2.0 when they hit the Send button on Step2
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.SendSessionRedirectUrl = “”;

sessionConfig.SessionInfo.ExpiresOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(20); //New property to specify session’s expiration date. 90 days in the future max.
sessionConfig.SessionInfo.ReminderFrequencyDays = 2;  //New property to specify session reminder frequency.

Document documentConfig = new Document();
documentConfig.FileName = “Test.docx”;
documentConfig.FormId = “”// This is the value given in the Templates configuration.

documentConfig.HasAnchorTags= true;  // New property telling eSign to process this document for Anchor Tags. Refer to Anchor Tags section.

documentConfig.AnchorTagsAdjustmentCategory= “predefined client specific category”;  // New property telling eSign to adjust the anchor tags of this document according to predefined adjustment values mapped to this category.

documentConfig.FileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@”D:\doc\Test.docx”);

sessionConfig.Documents = documents.ToArray();

Signer signer;
List<Signer> signers = new List<Signer>();

signer = new Signer();
signer.EmailAddress = “”;
signer.FirstName = “FirstName”;
signer.LastName = “LastName”;
signer.SignerRole = “Seller 1”; //(see signer roles Appendix B)
signer.AuthMethod = Authentication.KBA;
signer.AuthenticationSettings = new eSignAPI.AuthenticationSettings();
signer.AuthenticationSettings.Password = “password”;

// New flag to mandate a signer to upload a document before completing the session.

// You can also set this flag as part of the Properties parameter.

signer.MandateDocUpload = true; 

signer.AuthMethods = new List(); // Required to instantiate

signer.Properties = new Dictionary<object, object>();  // Required to instantiate

// Here we’re assuming the template used has two merge fields one called “CompanyName” and the other “Job Title”. So, you supply their values this way.

signer.MergeFieldMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { “CompanyName”, “RED” }, { “Job Title”, “Manager” } };

signer.SignerEmailMessage = “email message”;

signer.SignerEmailSubject = “subject line”;


signer = new Signer();
signer.EmailAddress = “”;
signer.FirstName = “FirstName”;
signer.LastName = “LastName”;
signer.SignerRole = “Buyer 1”; //(see signer roles Appendix B)
signer.AuthMethod = Authentication.KBA;

signer.AuthMethods = new List(); // Required to instantiate

signer.Properties = new Dictionary<object, object>();  // Required to instantiate

signer.SignerEmailMessage = “email message”;

signer.SignerEmailSubject = “subject line”;


sessionConfig.Signers = signers.ToArray();

var data = new
userName = userName,
session = sessionConfig
string json = serializer.Serialize(data);

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(host + uri);
request.Headers.Add(“Authorization” , encryptedToken);
request.Method = “POST”;
request.ContentType = “application/json”;

using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
sessionResponse = jss.Deserialize<RequestResponse>(responseString);signsessionId = sessionResponse.SigningSessionId.ToString();

url = string.Format(autologinUrl, encryptedToken, user, signsessionId, “continue”);

