Production Release: October 19, 2021


Next Button behavior: Improved behavior of the Next button during signing sessions.

System Update: Improved server response times.

Bug Fixes

Constellation1 eSign

Signing Session – Next button behavior

The Next button in a signing session has proven to be a valuable tool to guide the signer through a signing session. We have made significant improvements to the behavior of the Next button. The improvements provide a smoother user experience for both desktop and mobile signing sessions.

Zoom level on a mobile device.

When using a mobile device during a signing session, if the signer zooms in on the document, then taps Next to go to the next tag, the document will remain at the current zoom level showing the markup or tag.

The Next button will now float in the left margin of the document. 

During a signing session, the Next button will now float in the left margin of the document.

When the signer taps or clicks the Next button, it will stop on the line where the next markup tag needs the signer’s attention. This minimizes confusion by reducing the amount of jumping around within a document. 

Scrolling through a document.

When the signer scrolls through the document, the Next button will remain in the same location on-screen. This gives the signer the opportunity to read through a document at the beginning of a signing session, then when the signer is ready, all they need to do is tap or click the Next button to be taken to the location of the tag that needs attention. The signer still needs to tap or click the Next button to close a signing session. This ensures that if any tags or markups have been missed, the signer will be taken to that location before ending the session.

 Markups and signer tags.

We have also improved the visibility of markups and tags that are currently active and need attention.

The selected markup or tag will now have a glow or backlight around it to make it easier for the signer to see and interact with.   

The new behavior is designed to minimizes confusion and minimize the next button from jumping around on a document. The result being a smooth and effortless user experience during a signing session.

System Update

We are always looking to improve our user experience. With this update we have made changes to the system that improve response times when working with templates.

Bug Fixes
  • We fixed an issue on the session history page where “Next Signer” does not show when using the advanced filter option.
  • We fixed an issue with the sessions page not sorting by the column header.