
Gets an array of Document object(s) containing the file’s binary by sending a signing session Id.

Returns – A DocumentResponse containing an array of Document Object(s).  (See SessionResponse in Appendix B)


Name Type Description
encryptedToken string Required. Encrypted Token returned from client authentication.
Returns null if token has expired or is invalid.
SessionId string Required. The signing session ID to get document files.
IgnoreSyncStatus bool Required.
Set to 1 if you want to retrieve files regardless of the sync status.
Set to 0 if you want to retrieve files only if they have not been retrieved yet.


Example – C#
[gdlr_notification icon=”none” type=”color-border” border=”#31BEF9″ color=”#000000″]
ServiceAPIClient ws = new ServiceAPIClient();

string sessionIds = “832e8550-2d85-44d2-8f7a-fe869b5389bd”;
DocumentResponse documentResponse;

documentResponse = ws.GetSessionFiles(encryptedToken, sessionIds, true);
