A WebHook is an HTTP POST callback that occurs when something happens. eSign implements WebHook to notify consumers of a signing session status update.

For a consuming application to receive a WebHook call from eSign, it needs to implement a REST service endpoint that accepts eSign’s JSON as explained here.

This code example is in .NET C#, but you can do the same thing in the language of your choice.

    1. Create a WebApi Controller (call it anything you want) where you handle the WebHook call and process the message, like this.

public class WebhooksController : ApiController

public IHttpActionResult Process([FromBody]EsignView data)
var jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

        // Use data to handle your application’s workflow status.

        return Ok($”Got your data of: {jsonData}”);


  1. Define your view model as follows. The Type can be either “SessionStatus” or “SignerStatus”, with the corresponding statuses defined below.

public class EsignView.
public EsignData Data { get; set; }

public class EsignData
public Guid SigningSessionId { get; set; }

public Guid NewSigningSessionId { get; set; }

public Guid SignerId { get; set; }

public string Type { get; set; }

public int Status { get; set; }

public string Title { get; set; }

public string DeclinedReason { get; set; }


  • You can also include the needed enumerations as follows.

public enum SessionStatusType
InDraft = 1,
InSent = 2,
Completed = 3,
Cancelled = 4,
Deleted = 5,
InPaused = 6,
Expired = 7,

Purged = 8,

Archived = 9

  • Also, define these signer statuses.

PendingInvite = 1;
Invited = 2;
InProgress = 3;
Completed = 4;
Cancelled = 5;
Declined = 6;
Delegated = 7;
AuthenticationFailed = 8;

  • Once you’ve set up your service and tested it, then provide your published URL to the eSignature team so they would set it up on their end to receive a WebHook call.
  • A new property DeclinedReason has been added to the message body part of the signer decline webhook, this holds the reason selected by the signer as to why he/she declined to sign.