Released: June, 2021

Release Summary

Constellation1 CRM

CRM General Updates: Updates to improve usability and customer experience.

Constellation1 Website

Secured Agent Vanity Domains: Optimize website features for agents who have a secure vanity domain.

Bug Fixes

Deleting Agent Website.

Registering Contact.

Constellation1 CRM

General updates

Constellation1 is always working to improve product usability and provide an optimal user experience.
Here are a few things we have been working on.

Action plans  

We have updated the 2021 monthly homeowner’s newsletter campaign with a modern look, and to be mobile responsive for clients viewing emails on their phone.

Updated action plan:

  • 2021 Homeowners Newsletter Series.
    • Activities February through December.


Secondary contact

Adding a secondary contact to a Contact/lead record no longer requires adding another phone number or email address.

This update allows agents to collect and document more details about their leads and clients and is ideal for keeping track of couples or business partners who are looking for real estate.


Contact import

We have added two new fields to the contact import.

  • Notes
    • Imported notes will reflect the import date and show as one record.
  • E-mail Address 2
    • In the contact record, the email options, “Primary” and “User For APM” will be unchecked by default.

Lead routing options

Shotgun lead routing has been added as an alternative routing option for all companies. Leads can be routed using the round-robin method or the shotgun method.

When shotgun lead routing is employed, a lead will be distributed to all agents in a routing group. The first agent to accept the lead, wins that lead.

The shotgun routing option shows on the Lead Admin > General Options page and will be disabled by default.

Constellation1 website

Secure Agent Vanity Domains

We have added the ability for company admins to optimize website features for agents who have secured (https) their vanity domain.

When agents have a secure vanity domain, check the “Supports HTTPS on primary and mobile urls.” box to ensure all features on the agents’ website will be optimized for maximum performance.

Note: If an agent domain is not secured, do not check this box. Checking this box does not secure the domain. A security certificate will need to be issued for the domain prior to checking this box. If you have any questions, please contact your Constellation1 representative.

Bug fixes

  • Deleting an agent or user’s website will no longer redirect to an error message.  
  • When registering a contact in the CRM, you will no longer need to refresh the page to display the updated status.